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18.95 18.95

Format: Softcover
Size: 5.25” x 8.25”
Page Count: 240
ISBN-10: 1-894864-68-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-894864-68-8
BISAC: HIS027140
HISTORY / Military / Aviation
Retail List Price: $18.95
Who Killed The Avro Arrow
Chris Gainor

On March 1958, the CF-105 Avro Arrow made its first test flight at Toronto International Airport, vaulting Canada into the front ranks of military aircraft design and manufacturing. Less than a year later, the
Diefenbaker government cancelled the Arrow program, and Avro Canada went from being one of Canada’s largest corporations to a bitter memory. All completed Arrows were destroyed, and the Arrow became a subject of
controversy that continues nearly 50 years later.
Chris Gainor, a Canadian expert in the field of aerospace technology, explores the reasons for the Arrow’s demise and questions surrounding the project:
• What role did the U.S. government play in the Arrow cancelling?
• Was the Avro Arrow canceled because it was too expensive?
• Did Prime Minister John Diefenbaker cancel the Arrow program for political reasons?
• Was the Avro Arrow’s design defective, as some critics have claimed?
• At a time when intercontinental ballistic missiles were becoming a threat, was the Avro Arrow still needed for Canada’s defence?
• What took the place of the Avro Arrow in Canada’s air defence?
• Did the Royal Canadian Air Force ask for too much when it commissioned Avro to build the Arrow?
• What was the impact of the Arrow cancellation on Canada’s economy?
• What about the destruction of completed Arrows once the program was cancelled?
These questions and more are answered in this riveting and insightful
study what some would term a dark time in Canadian history.

Chris Gainor
CHRIS GAINOR first developed his fascination with space after watching space shots in the 1960s. After earning a BA in history and a stint as a journalist and public relations writer, the call of the stars led him to a Master of Science degree in space studies. Now he is arguably one of the country’s leading experts of the Canadian space program. Chris is a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and the Canadian Historical Society, and is a fellow of the British Interplanetary Society. He has written numerous books and articles on space technology and exploration including Folklore Publishing’s Canada in Space, a book that has recently been nominated by the American Astronautical Society for the prestigious Astronautical Literature Award.



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